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contact me by email or telephone and I will be of further assistance.

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Action Art for the new DSL product from "O2 on the Way"
Promoted by O2 (German telephone company)

Action Day for the Product AIDA (Berlin, Germany)
Promoted by Angela Liedler GmbH (Köln, Germany)

Pro7 Galileo documentary "Fine Feathers make fine Birds" (German TV Channel)
Promoted by Jan Sommerfeldt - "3w-productions"

Action Day – Workshop on‚ Chalk – a self - made product
Promoted by ‚Boesner GmbH (Berlin, Germany)

An Italien Street Festival (Chemnitz, Germany)
Promoted by Euro Artist, Artists-Concepts-Directions – Klaus J. Gebhardt Chemnitz (Germany)

Wunsiedel Cult Night – A Painting on Canvas of the Town Wunsiedel
Promoted by ‚Lederkäs Event- und Project Management (Germany)

Thema: "Berliner at Work"
Sparkasse Berlin

Open Air Gallery on the Oberbaumbrücke (Berlin, Germany)
The festival at the "Oberbaumbrücke" is one of the biggest art festivals in Berlin and takes place twice a year.

MFB GmbH – A Painting on Canvas of Horses and Flowers
Promoted by MFB GmbH, a Construction and Building Company

The House – Annual summer "Kiez" (district) - Art – Market
An organised street painting workshop for children by the "Meeting Place for Childhood e.V." (local NGO).

© Copyright 2005-2008    Christiane Jessen- Richardsen